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Important Rule Changes for 2014 MLS Fantasy Season

Unless you have been living under a rock today, you know that the 2014 MLS Fantasy Manager season has started and you can begin re-registering your teams or take the plunge into your very first season. Regardless if you are old or new, there are a few rules changes that I want to point out that I want to make …

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2014 MLS Schedule Chart with Byes and Double Game Weeks

2015 Home & Away Rotations Weeks 1-18

The title may be a bit long, but basically this means that I have updated the charts on the MLS Fantasy Resources page. What exactly has been changed well, keep reading after the break to find out. The title may be a bit long, but basically this means that I have updated the charts on the MLS Fantasy Resources page. …

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Most Important Stats of 2013

2015 Home & Away Rotations Weeks 1-18

Last month I posted some stats from the 2013 MLS season. Since then, I’ve done a little more work and I’m ready to talk what we can learn from this data. Specifically, I took a look to see which stats were most related to a player’s final total score. The idea was that by identifying the stats that contribute the most …

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2013 MLS Fantasy Player Stats (Download)

In my last post, I mentioned that I have been working on a special project for the 2014 MLS season, well this is part 1 of that project. As we all know,  during the playoffs, the MLS Fantasy Manager site removed the stats for the teams that were not longer playing. Now that the season is over, all of the …

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Final Results – KFC MLS Fantasy League

  First off, I have to apologize for taking so long to make this final post for the 2013 season. Between the playoffs, work, Christmas vacation, and a special MLS 2014 season project, I got a bit busy. But, now it’s time to finally congratulate the winner of the KFC MLS Fantasy League. Congratulations to Paul VanDeWalker, manager of EternalBluForeverGrn. You can …

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11th Hour Transfer Tips – MLS Cup Final

   We’re just a few hours away from the 2014 MLS Cup Final.  Have you made all your transfers yet are are you still hesitating to hit the confirm button? Here’s our roundup are useful tips from around the web. If you want to see more, keep reading after the break. But please join the discussion at r/FantasyMLS, that’s where a …

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KFC’s MLS Cup Final Captain Poll

Don’t forget, the transfer deadline is Saturday the 7th (TOMORROW) at 3:45pm so be sure to get all of your trades in and captain set. Have you decided on your captain yet? Be sure to vote and see how your pick does before finalizing you team. Also, if you would like to join the discussion, be sure to visit the thread at /r/FantasyMLS. …

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KFC’s MLS Fantasy Player Roundup – MLS Cup Final

  You’ve waited a week, but it’s finally…almost time for the final game, and that means that it’s time to make your last picks for the MLS Fantasy game. It’s all come down to Sporting KC and Real Salt Lake. This is honestly a tough one to call. Out ELO prediction gives SKC the upper hand, but that has a …

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KFC’s Predictions and Power Rankings – MLS Cup Final

  So here it is, the final game. There is not much to talk about this week so I’ll get right to it. Last week our ELO system was correct for the SKC win but missed the POR game. I’m nto surprised about this, RSL’s form has just been great and even though I would have loved to have seen …

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11th Hour Transfer Tips – Conference Finals Leg 2

   It’s almost time for the second leg of the Conference finals. Have you made all your transfers yet are are you still hesitating to hit the confirm button? Here’s our roundup are useful tips from around the web. If you want to see more, keep reading after the break. But please join the discussion at r/FantasyMLS, that’s where a lot …

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KFC’s Conference Finals Leg 2 Captain Poll

Don’t forget, the transfer deadline is Saturday the 23rd (TOMORROW) at 7:15pm so be sure to get all of your trades in and captain set. Have you decided on your captain yet? Be sure to vote and see how your pick does before finalizing you team. Also, if you would like to join the discussion, be sure to visit the thread at /r/FantasyMLS. …

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KFC’s MLS Fantasy Player Roundup – Conference Finals Leg 2

  How does that saying go? A 7 days without soccer makes one week? Well, there were international friendlies and it was 2 weeks… So I guess that does not work. Regardless, it’s been too long but not long enough to forget about how important both of these game are going to be. For MLS Fantasy managers, you need to …

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