2016 Round 4 Captain Poll

2016 Round 3 Captain PollIt’s finally time for the first captain poll of the year. Don’t forget, the transfer deadline is, today, Saturday the 26th at 3:00pm EST so be sure to get all of your trades in and captain set by then.

There are several good captain options for this first round, have you decided on yours yet? Well now is your chance to find out what others think and cast your vote for your favorite player. If you would like to join the discussion at r/FantasyMLS or be sure to join the Live Chat in the sidebar just to your right.

Don’t forget to vote in the MLS Fantasy Boss 2016 Round 4 Captain Poll!

Mauro Diaz: It was a tough call for this this week with my captain picks, and from the looks of the poll, many people narrowed their choice down to the same top two players Diaz or Morales. If you want to go with the safe choice, then Diaz has the slight edge. He’s scored more points from open play, is on all set pieces, and both DC and Columbus are struggling right now and have allowed several goals over the past few weeks. The down side is that Dallas was hit hard by call-ups, especially on defense. So if they get behind, especially in the first game, Diaz may have to focus more on helping out on defense than most fantasy players like.

Pedro Morales: If you’d rather go with the slightly more risky choice, then Morales is the guy to give your armband to. Here’s the problem, as many people have pointed out, Morales has most of his goals from PKs and those can not be counted on for points so there is a concern of scoring from open play. However, Vancouver’s last two games have been away and when you look back to their home game, we can see that Morales has HUGE bonus point potential. If that form returns for that two home games during this DGW, then we could potentially be looking at 40 point+ game week from a Morales captain.

Maximaliano Urruti: Coming in at third on my list, and in the poll, is Urruti. While Urruti has been very impressive so far this season, it’s the DGW that give him the edge over other forwards. That the the fact the he has players like Diaz and Castillo available to feed him the ball. The down side here is that Urruti doing well also means that someone like Diaz could also do well, so you’re kind of hedging your bets here and his point floor is not as high as others.

MLS Fantasy Boss 2016 Round 4 Captain Poll


About MLS Fantasy Boss

Founder of MLS Fantasy Boss, moderator of /r/FantasyMLS, freelance contributing writer for fantasy.MLSsoccer.com. Passionate about all things MLS and growing the Fantasy MLS community.

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