-GK-Kwarasey-PDX-5.9 Mil @ 2.6% Ownership
PDX has had B2B CS, and Kwarasey is tied/leads the league with 10 CS. The next 2 games look to be in favor of PDX (rsl/HOU) RSL playing Midweek USOC(throwing a B team in MLS games) and a Hou team that hasn’t impressed.
-DEF-Francis-SJ-5.3 Mil @ 1.2% Ownership
Francis has amassed 12 pts in 2 games with an Assist/CS. They play home to COL(possible CS) and then DGW(both away to SKC/DCU). Not a favorable schedule, but a GREAT differential, at a budget price.
-MID-Techera-VAN-7.4 Mil @ 0.3% Ownership
WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT VAN?!?!?! RSL did have its B team out there on sunday, but credit to VAN for capitalizing on that. Techera looked the most dangerous i’ve ever seen him. Great bargain at 7.4 in the best team in the west.
-FWD-Wondo/Quincy(SJ) or Dom/Nemeth(SKC). Pick your poison on either of these 4 picks. I personally like Quincy.Dom for the DGW.
-This is a SGW and deadline is 7pm EST on Thursday the 13th. We also have DGW’s in 25/26 with a FREE WC in GW27. Please plan accordingly!
-Follow me on Twitter for Injury Updates/Transfer Information/Players News! @JJ_DIRTY