MLS Fantasy Boss Round 20 Captain Poll

MLS Fantasy Boss Round 20 Captain PollIt’s finally time for the first captain poll of the year. Don’t forget, the transfer deadline is Friday the 15th at 8:30pm EST so be sure to get all of your trades in and captain set by then.

There are several good captain options for this first round, have you decided on yours yet? Well now is your chance to find out what others think and cast your vote for your favorite player. If you would like to join the discussion at r/FantasyMLS or be sure to join the Live Chat in the sidebar just to your right.

Don’t forget to vote in the r/FantasyMLS Round 20 Captain poll!

Ethan Finlay ($8.8m – 26.1% Ownership)

Finlay had a rough game against Montreal in Round 19, but every player has an of game and I expect that game to be an outlier by the end of the season. The normal Finlay performance is one full of goals and assists and two games against Chicago will offer him ample opportunities for both. He easily becomes my top captain pick for Round 20.

Kei Kamara ($9.4m – 37.6% Ownership)

Contrary to my opinion, the MLSFB/Reddit poll has Kamara just edging Finlay out as top pick. This is no surprise as Kamara is the top scoring player in the league right now and will be one of Finlay’s prime targets during their double game against Chicago. No matter who ends up getting more points, I don’t think either of these two players would be a poor choice.

Sebastian Giovinco ($10.3m – 24% Ownership)

After his goal scoring bonanza in Round 19, it looks like Gio has his groove back. Philly has only won 1 of its last 6 away games so the chances of Gio coming away with another good score are high. But will his numbers be enough to beat the players with a DGW? It’s a risk in my opinion.

Do you have any other names to throw into the ring as potential captain candidates? Post them in the comments below or come over to r/FantasyMLS to join the ongoing discussion and vote in the captain poll.

r/FantasyMLS Round 20 Captain poll





It's finally time for the first captain poll of the year. Don't forget, the transfer deadline is Friday the 15th at 8:30pm EST so be sure to get all of your trades in and captain set by then. There are several good captain options for this first round, have you decided on yours yet? Well now is your chance to find out what others think and cast your vote for your favorite player. If you would like to join the discussion at r/FantasyMLS or be sure to join the Live Chat in the sidebar just to your right. Don't forget to vote…

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About MLS Fantasy Boss

Founder of MLS Fantasy Boss, moderator of /r/FantasyMLS, freelance contributing writer for Passionate about all things MLS and growing the Fantasy MLS community.

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